Hi, I build a system: BMV-712 as battery monitor, SmartShunt as DC meter and SmartSolar MPPT 150/45 (all on newst firmwares) connected to 24V battery and 820Wp PV. Off grid. I add rpi with VenusOS (v3.01) to get DVCC but it doesn't work. On SmartSolar i set charge limit to 30A by Victron Connect, in Venus Os i enabled dvcc with charge limit set to 13A(I use lead acid). Limit work's fine, battery charging never goes above 13A but dvcc does not take into account the current consumption from the DC metter and does not incrase production - it just holds the current limit at a fixed position. This is not how it should work - am i right? A constant charging limit can be set in SmartSolar without VenusOS... Or is something missing in my system to make it work? I've read everything i found, I don't see why it doesn't work. Can somebody help?
forgot to add: everything is connected via usb to VE.direct and conections status is ok, all visible from VenusOS. There is no VE. Smart network set and never been.