
jim-ball avatar image
jim-ball asked

Smart Shunt Fuse Can i change type of fuse to a blade type

Hi have recently installed a smart shunt on my boat and was wondering if i could easily replace the fused power supply cable that has a small glass fuse to a blade type automotive fuse in a waterproof cover as shown. Would be fitted with 1 amp fuse and cable length would be the same, maybe shorter. Does this affect the Sensing ability of the smart shunt or is it just a power feed.

Thanks Everyone. spalsh-proof-blade-fuse-holder.jpg

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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Jim Ball

That should be fine. A few years back some shunts were delivered with 100mA fuses and sometimes gave doubtful results, so you have a bit up the sleeve with the standard 1A.

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jim-ball avatar image jim-ball commented ·
Thank you JohnC, appreciated,
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Bob K avatar image Bob K jim-ball commented ·
I don't think it would. I wouldn't expect a blade fuse to have characteristics that a glass fuse doesn't have. If you make the switch, please come back and let us know if it works o.k. I might make the change myself.
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