
Charles Tyer avatar image
Charles Tyer asked

How to lower the Input Current Limit on a dual Multiplus II 2x120 24v/3000VA parallel system

I have two Multiplus II 24/3000/70/120v inverters set in Parallel in an RV application. I have the RV parked in a friend's driveway. I would like to connect to a 15amp extension cord as shore power. I am trying to set the Input Current Limit on the Multiplus II to 15amps but it will not work. It seems the Multiplus II 3000va 2x120 24v has 18.5amps(9.5amps x 2) as the lowest available Input Current Limit!

How can I set the Imput Current limit to 15amps(on this MPII parallel system) so that I can use a 15amp extension cord as shore power?

**Hey Victron, please fix this via a firmware update.

input current
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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Charles Tyer

The listing I have shows 7.5A..


Is your fw at least 485?

It's possible to go lower if you disable the Power Assist function. Which shouldn't be an issue if your loads are honouring the shore limits.

Victron would lower it if they could, but it's a hardware/design limitation.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

That is the lowest you can go with your parallel setup and power assist enabled. (I have the same setup) Either disable power assist, or reconfigure for standalone and leave one of the multi's off. The only other way to get the input current setting any lower is with ESS, but that is not supported with mobile applications.

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Charles Tyer avatar image
Charles Tyer answered ·

@JohnC I have the Multiplus II 2x120 24/3000/70 It is not listed on that spreadsheet.

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
It is the same as the MP2 12/3000/70 2x120 which lists @ 9.5A w/ power assist enabled. The 9.5 is an approximate value, it is actually 9.3 which would be 18.6 for dual parallel inverters.
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