
dwall47 avatar image
dwall47 asked

Cerbo GX temperature relay rules

Can you set temperature relay rules on a Cerbo Gx with two temperature sensors? Ex. If solar cabinet sensor temp is greater than outside sensor temp... to turn on a fan?

cerbo gxRelay
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3 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @dwall47

Not sure if you can do this by default but it's a quick one to do in node red running on GX device.

Assuming you have nodes for those temp sensors it would be

Temp -> switch (if > x degrees) -> turn on fan

Temp -> swtich (if < x degrees) -> turn off fan.

If the temp sensors aren't included in node red then you could query them using node red http node (assuming they are smart sensors and have some sort of api that node red can query). Then the rest of the nodes are the same.

I have similar setup with my sensors. However I use external "relays" in the form of a shelly smart switch (and mine is the opposite, heaters for the winter).

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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·


Username admin

Password whatever your gx local password is.

Ie you're remote console login password

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dwall47 avatar image dwall47 commented ·
got it, thanks, I was able to login... watching the Victron Tech webinars for node red.
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 dwall47 commented ·
Happy to help with any specifics. Node red is more of a general tool (not just victron related) so you should fine lots of guides online (Chatgpt is ideal for it also)
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dwall47 avatar image
dwall47 answered ·

Thanks @matt1309

I am going to look into the node red... I just enabled it. When I try to access it through the VRM I get to a login screen... Trying to figure out how to set up a username and password.

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