
bradley-mctaggart avatar image
bradley-mctaggart asked

How to Disable Storage Charge - Blue Smart Charger


I know this has been asked before but there was no answer given and the reasoning was different.

I want to disable storage charge on my 12v 10a IP22 Blue Smart Charger.

I'm using this charger to charge a LiFePo4 battery and these do not require a float or storage charge and can infact damage the batteries due to storing them fully at 100%.

This battery is an emergency backup battery for a small dc pump so I can't put the charger on a timer as if there is a power outage and the battery is utilised then the charger will not automatically come back on until the timer kicks in.

I understand you can change the voltage but for some reason there's no ability to disable the storage charger.

On a side note the actual LiFePo4 present has the float and storage charge turned on by default which is a major floor in the programming as ideally you would have both of these disabled.


battery chargingLithium Batterycharger
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3 Answers
uguraladag avatar image
uguraladag answered ·

If you use the Cerbo Gx you can program its contacts for on/off function for any situation.

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bradley-mctaggart avatar image
bradley-mctaggart answered ·

Thanks but thats a waste of money and equipment just to remove the storage charge function which is a very simple programming issue thst could be applied via a firmware update, all victron need to do is add a disable table exactly what is found on the float charge setting

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uguraladag avatar image
uguraladag answered ·

I put a wifi controlled IOT device on the AC control board, I program the charger and turn it on and off whenever I want. It's a very cheap solution.İt makes 8-10$ .

Or put an on/off switch on the AC side, control it manually. :))

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