
crispyc avatar image
crispyc asked

VE Bus Smart Dongle Wiring

I want to add the VE Bus Smart Dongle to my system. I currently have a Victron Multi 2000 VA inverter charger and the BMS 712 and a Victron MPPT controller.

My question is can I connect the Smart Dongle Pos and Neg wires to any DC source, or does it have to be connected directly to the battery terminals? Seems redundant and I already have power leads going to the battery terminals for the 712 and inverter. The BMS 712 already monitors battery volts, amps and temp. So I don’t need additional inputs for that. I just want to see the inverter/charger activity on the phone app. But I also don’t want to introduce erroneous data into the Victron Network.

wiringVE.Bus Smart Donglebattery connection
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You can power it at a different point. Don't add it it to the smart network though. It will not value add to that and probably cause issues.

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crispyc avatar image crispyc commented ·
Are you saying it would cause issues because its not connected directly to the battery, or just in general. My BMV712 and MPPT are networked together via BT. Why would connecting the Smart Dongle cause an issue? I thought thats what it was for.

Also, my understanding of the new feature of priority charging solar over shore power requires the Multi-plus be networked from what I understand.

Clarification appreciated. Thx

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