
g8746 avatar image
g8746 asked

Quattro 5k AC2 Output without shore

Hi Guys

I am looking to have the AC 2 output on my Quattro 5K active and not just active with shore input plugged in.

Is this possible to program through the inverter? Can it be programmed to be active when the batteries are at a certain SOC?

Thank You

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Yes it is, you will need ve config to do so though.

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g8746 avatar image g8746 commented ·
Thank you, i already have VE config ready to do what is needed. Just need some guidance.


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ g8746 commented ·


Add assistant - programmable relay - use AC out 2.

I have attached the assistants for you you can run through them and change values.

Combining multiple Assistants

Multiple Assistants can be used in one unit. For example the Programmable Relay is often used multiple times. When doing so; this is how they are evaluated:

- an ON condition always has priority over an OFF condition - multi criteria in the ON ( or OFF ) list go by the OR principle

So they way I have set that up is AC and SOC have to be met to have AC 2 ON- if you want OR then split the AC available into a separate on condition by adding a new assistant for the relay.

(2) has them separate.

AC 2 switching.zipAC 2 switching 2 separate on

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