
petermol avatar image
petermol asked

Electrical drawing how to connect the multiplus 2...

Hello can anyone help me with a electrical drawing how to connect the multiplus 2 5kva from my shed to the house including remote current measuring in the house to the shed.

I have read the manual but its not all clear to me. I want to store the solar energy that i'm not using in the battery and when the solar energy stops to use the battery untils its empty

and then use the power of the grid.

I have solar panels with micro inverters and they deliver 230 volts or so to the house, i hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance, Peter Mol

Multiplus-IItechnical drawings
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

It would probably be best to get an electrician to help. You are requesting a technical drawing when the basics are not clear to you, that is a recipie for disaster.

Do your micro inverters communicate with victron?

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petermol avatar image petermol Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Hello, I am a electrician but the documentation is not clear about which connections to use in the situation a mentioned in my earlier post.

Greetings, Peter

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ petermol commented ·
Line connects to line, neutral to neutral earth to earth?

Do your micro inverters respond to frequency shifting or connect to the victron gx? If not none of what you want to do will be safe.

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