
greg-valet avatar image
greg-valet asked

How to configure Pylontech US5000 with Easysolar 2 ? (SOLVED)

Hi all,

I'am new with victron systems, and I tried to find answers in manuals but I was unsuccessful. I need for my company to test a EasySolar II + US-5000 system for autonomous installation. PV + Inverter + Battery work but battery BMS isn't recognized ? I can't get SoC from Victron VRM ? Any other tips than


Aloha, Greg.

BMSPylontechEasySolar All-in-One
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3 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

You need to use the Victron type A cable between the US5000 and the EasySolar, not the Pylontech cable. If you have multiple batteries, the Pylontech cables will work for battery to battery communication.

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greg-valet avatar image greg-valet commented ·

Thank you Kevgermany, In fact I tried each cables, the blue and the grey from victron, from CAN.BUS(ES II GX) to CAN (US5000) and nothing changed ?? I added the CAN resistance on ES II GX.

I'm a bit suprised it works to power a vaccum in AC, the battery is charging but in reality the BMS isn't connected, Is it safe ?

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greg-valet avatar image
greg-valet answered ·

My bad the good cable was delivered in a lost package.. So it works better now !

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
On the is it safe question...

Firstly you should set the charge parameters in all/any chargers as a safety measure, even though the Pylontechs will override them.

If you try to overcharge, the built in BMS in your batteries will prevent damage.

So yes, safe.

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josmeijer avatar image
josmeijer answered ·

We had some issues with the bus that were solved by using the terminator on the last battery. It is issued free as acsessoire wit the EasysolarII GXterminator-1.jpg

terminator-1.jpg (97.2 KiB)
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