
Kaj Lehtinen avatar image
Kaj Lehtinen asked

Cerbo stops processing Shelly Pro 3EM websocket data


Running Venus OS 3.01 and are having issues with a Shelly Pro 3EM configured as AC Load. It works for a while (couple of hours) and then stops updating/reporting. Same error happened on Venus OS 3.0. Added the Shelly device after upgrading to Venus OS 3.0 and it was super easy.

If I change the type from AC Load to grid/PV Inverter it starts reporting (as new device) and then I clear old device & change back to AC Load and delete old device it continues to work for a couple of hours as AC Load. When ut stops updating the values are still there, they just dont update. So its not that its blank or something similar.

Since I don't do anything on the shelly it seems that it works all the time, but the Cerbo stops processing the received data.

Is this a Known error and if so is there a work-around?

Also, the device doesn't show up in the device list in VRM nor in the dashboard in VRM. The unit has ID 41 locally but isn't shown in the local GUI either apart from the Device List.


cerbo gx
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8 Answers
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

It's not DHCP related is it?

The Shelly device isn't getting a new IP from the router and then that's messing with the connection to the cerbo is it? Maybe worth checking the shelly has a static ip

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Kaj Lehtinen avatar image
Kaj Lehtinen answered ·

The Shelly runs on DHCP, but it keeps reporting to my Home Assistant during the times that the Cerbo isnt updating the values.

If I visit the Shelly's IP its alive and kicking and updating values all the time (the Shelly local webserver). If I check out the Home Assistants device for the Shelly its too working as it should.

Just Cerbo that looses connection with it. And if I, in Cerbo, change from AC Load to PVInverter/Grid and then back it starts updating values again for a couple of hours before it stopps again.

In Cerbo under Shelly Energy Meter & Device it states 'Connected' - dont know If there is some sort of log somewhere if I connect to the Cerbo with SSH that I can view to perhaps get a idea of whats going on.

I just tried switching from AC Load to Generator and wait 15 seconds so the new 'device' shows values and updates, and then back to AC Load without removing the 'unknown' device in between, and it switched back & started to update values again.


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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Ahh that's a shame.

Does homeassistant reach shelly on the same IP all the time? Similarly are you accessing it on the same IP all the time?

I think logs are stored here /var/log/ folder. Had a quick look at python code and looks like current.log will be saved in the location of the python script if not in the above location. THink there's an option to tweak logging level as well in config.

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Kaj Lehtinen avatar image
Kaj Lehtinen answered ·

So, found a couple of files under /var/log/dbus-shelly & when looking in the file named 'current' with 'tail current' I see these messages.

Dont know what it means or if its helpful for someone ....

@4000000064c9750e2a13994c Traceback (most recent call last):
@4000000064c9750e2a13a11c   File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/websockets/", line 191, in handler
@4000000064c9750e2a13acd4     await self.ws_handler(self, path)
@4000000064c9750e2a13b88c   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-shelly/", line 73, in __call__
@4000000064c9750e2a13c444     await m.update(data)
@4000000064c9750e2a13c82c   File "/opt/victronenergy/dbus-shelly/", line 134, in update
@4000000064c9750e2a146854     s['/Ac/L1/Voltage'] = d["a_voltage"]
@4000000064c9750e2a147024 KeyError: 'a_voltage'
@4000000064c9752c36e834ac INFO     Waiting for localsettings
@4000000064c9752c3730e224 INFO     Connected to localsettings
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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

What happens if you change the log level in config.ini? MIght give you more of a hint.

I was really hoping it was simply IP change

Long shot but is shelly firmware up to date?

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Kaj Lehtinen avatar image
Kaj Lehtinen answered ·


Updated Shelly firmware from the stable 0.14.x version to latest 1.0.0 beta 6 ? that was available yesterday :-(

Where do I find the config.ini? This is the built in Shelly integration in 3.x firmware of Venus OS, not the addon for 2.x firmwares.


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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

My mistake I'd assumed the custom driver was being used. I'm not familiar with v3.0 integration (I had a quick scan but couldn't see it on Github to see how it works).

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Kaj Lehtinen avatar image
Kaj Lehtinen answered ·

It seems to work with Venus OS v3.20~17

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