I have a 3 phase ESS with Multiplus II 48/3000, an MPPT 450/200 and an LFP-Battery.
The System is corectly configured as an 3-Phase System, the Grid is on AC Input 1 and the AC output goes to the load in the house, so full Backup on all three Phases. This is how it looks like:
And this is how it looks like in the VRM:
This is an no feed-in system and the power metering is set to inverter, no EM24 in the system, as all energy goes through the invertres:
The diagrams in the advanced tab for the last 7 days are absolutely correct, no feed in:
But in the overview it shows an feed-on of 67kWh of the last 7 days, which is completely wrong, my energy provider power meter says the same, nearly no feed in:
Also all the other values seems to be wrong, only solar generation seems to be ok. But the regulation of the consumption,charge/discharge of the battery is fine, it seems only aggregates in the VRM dashboard are wrong, when will this be fixed?