
k-mann avatar image
k-mann asked

Orion TR 12/12-30 Smart Non-Isolated connections

Hooking up an Orion TR Smart 12/12-30 non-isolated in a Ford Transit.
Want to connect to the 175 amp CCP2 and run 2 awg wire to the Orion. Will the Orion take a 2 awg size wire?

Can the negative from the Orion connect to the negative bus bar on a Lynx distributor? Or does it need to connect to the negative grounding point back at the van battery?

orion dc-dcGroundingcampervan
2 |3000

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Not sure about the wire size.

Neg can go to either place, but they need a common ground, so there must be a connection from the lynx neg to vehicle earth.

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k-mann avatar image k-mann kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
For sure the Lynx will be connect to the chassis for grounding.

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bradleyh avatar image bradleyh commented ·

The largest wire the Orion terminals will accommodate is 6 AWG per the manual. I was not able to get ferrules on 6 AWG to fit in the terminals, which is fine since I think you get more wire in contact with the terminals without the ferrules. I'm not sure what advantage you'd have by running 2AWG to the Orion, but if you have a long run to make and need the size you could use a terminal stud and run a very short piece of 6 AWG from there to the Orion.

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k-mann avatar image k-mann bradleyh commented ·

Thanks, I finally did find that in the manual.
Got about 12 to 13 foot run to the back of the van, only connecting the CCP2 to the Orion so yeah looks like 6 awg would work.

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