
jonofe avatar image
jonofe asked

Gridmeter missing in VRM and Grid headline missing in local WebUI

Hi guys,

I have setup my Cerbo GX on a Raspberry PI with the latest VenusOS (v3.10~8). In the local UI I see the grid meter data in a red box, but without the headline "Grid". Grid meter data is provided by MQTT from a WAGO grid meter which is read by Modbus.

If I login into VRM online portal I don't see the grid meter at all.

What do I have to do to solve these issues?

Here are the screenshots...

Missing grid meter in VRM:


Missing "Grid" headline in local UI:


VRMVenus OSEnergy Meter
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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Remote console -> settings -> system setup -> AC input 1

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jonofe avatar image
jonofe answered ·

That is already set to "Grid".

Could it be the reason, that AC-In is not yet connected?

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matzel avatar image
matzel answered ·

Hi, I have the same problem.

Energy Meter is defined as Grid-Meter

ESS Settings: Externel Meter

AC1 Input: Grid

I use an EM540 with Cerbo GX and one MP2.




Any idea or sugestion?

Best regards


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