
gperes avatar image
gperes asked

Victron 500A Smart Shunt PIN Reset via PUK Code throwing "Wrong PUK Code" Error


Have a Victron 500A smart shunt on a very advanced prototype LSV/NEV (golf cart). Everything was working fine on the unit until I moved from my Pixel 4a to a Pixel 7a phone. Everything was fine on the 4a unit. Upgraded firmware prior to attempting to move to 7a phone. Disconnected device on 4a.

Not able to connect. The default "000000" code is no longer working when trying to pair the BT with the new phone. Cannot reconnect old phone. When I try to reset with the PUK code I get the "Wrong PUK Code" error from the app.

I shut the system down for well over 5 minutes as some of the online recommendations stated but, no luck. I can see the unit on my devices but, unable to connect. PUK code won't work for password reset and PIN doesn't work.

Any help would be appreciated.



SmartShuntconnection issue
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gperes avatar image gperes commented ·

bump for visibility

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undergog23 avatar image undergog23 commented ·
Hello Greg, I have same prob.

Can,t find solution here.

Do U have one (solution)

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4 Answers
gperes avatar image
gperes answered ·

VictronConnect_report (2).log

This is the latest log file from the app as well. Sorry I didn't attach to the main thread.

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gperes avatar image
gperes answered ·

Noticed something odd. Serial number doesn't match to the one in the software. 1689101389674.png

Took this pic of the unit and its serial number installed on my vehicle and it is different. So no doubt that the PUK number is wrong. I checked three stickers I could see. Not sure why the SERIAL number doesn't match what is being shown in the software?!1689101435730.png

1689101389674.png (4.5 MiB)
1689101435730.png (3.2 MiB)
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Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

@gperes see email

Martijn Coster - Victron Energy

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gperes avatar image
gperes answered ·

Thank-you @Martijn Coster (Victron Energy Staff) ! Got it working. See my email in reply as well. Really appreciate the quick turn around on this!!


Bolt Energy USA

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