
sandisland avatar image
sandisland asked

No solar pv display on colour control gx from easysolar 2

Hello, I am having a display issue. No pv showing on colour control gx from easysolar2. 20230709-072158.jpg20230709-072108.jpgve direct and ve can connected, display on easysolar shows pv and app has all functions. How did i get ccgx to display pv? Thanks

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3 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The ES-II has a build-in GX device.
The VE.Can and port are inputs not outputs.
The MPPT inside the ES-II is internally connected to the GX module.

If you want to use the CCGX you have to open the ES-II and connect the VE.drect cable to the MPPT and disconnect the internal, VE.Bus and power connection to the GX module.

Or you just use the GX module of the ES-II and remove the CCGX from the system.

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sandisland avatar image
sandisland answered ·

Thanks matthias, can you explain how I would identify and disconnect the ve direct, ve bus and power supply to the gx module.

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sandisland avatar image
sandisland answered ·

Also, should the remote switch cable be disconnected?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

I've just been trying to do this. I managed to damage the unit by removing power to the gx card.

Make sure there is no power at all to the Easysolar. Solar disconnected, batteries disconnected, mains disconnected. Before doing the changes.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Looks like Matthias isn't online.

Power is from thin red/black wire with a connector plug.

VE.bus is a short cable, probably blue with Lan connectors on each end is thin cable with 4 wires in it, white plugs on each end, goes from left of the MPPT down to the GX card.

There's a fourth connection to the card, a flat ribbon cable that goes to the display in the front of the case. Has 6 pin connectors.

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