
waltz avatar image
waltz asked

Multiplus 2000va not working. LED’s light up then go straight out.

Multiplus 2000VA 12 / 2000 / 80 not working!!!

Non compact version

Please help

Device was purchased about 6 months ago.

Has been working fine with no issues for the past 2 months with daily use with no dramas.

Has been unusable for about 1 week now.

The 3 LED’s on the front of the case blink then go straight out. No noises are herd as where before when switched on you could here the divice working (such as a fan of something inside).

The same happens if I flick the switch to CHARGER or ON on the front panel.

Things I’ve checked or tried are;

Fuse is working (in a lynx distributor).

13.34v at the terminals in the multiplus.

Ground cable on multiplus case is 100% contact with lynx distributor which is also attached to chassis

All outlets and loads are switched off.

Tried disconnecting the entire system for 30 seconds then reconnecting.

Tried disconnecting the temperature sensor at both ends of the cables and then reconnnecting.

Also tried it with out the temp sensor connected at all.

I’ve tried connecting a Mk-3 but it says device not found.

I’ve tried it with the shore line (15a from caravan park) connected, no difference.

Ive checked the toolkit app about LED definition but the example is for a multiplus compact I think as the examples are all with 4 LEDs where this case only has 3 LED’s.

I’ve re read through the manual, especially the “troubleshooting” section

I have 205a worth of lithium (2 x itech world 120x batteries)

Cables from the batteries to lynx are 120mm2 and about 3.5m ish round circuit. Cables from lynx to multiplus are 95mm2 cabling with round circuit of 3m ish.

I would love some guidance on where to from here.

My wife, two kids under three and myself live in a coaster bus full time so it makes things a little difficult on different occasions. So I’m keen to get this fixed as soon as I can.


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

What is the minimum required to power up your Multiplus? Just a fully charged battery, right? So, disconnect / unplug everything, except the battery. Now, will it turn on or not? That eliminates many possibilities. Could the BMS inside the battery be disconnecting due to a current inrush on power up? Can you monitor the DC Battery Voltage on power-up?

You said that you had proper DC voltage at the inverter's DC input, so not "capacitor pre-charge" issue.

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waltz avatar image waltz commented ·

late reply sorry, been out of reception for a while.

I tried disconnecting as much as I could without a massive amount of effort no good. But similar to what you were saying I tried something slightly different, what I did was I removed all DC input to the device and tried to do it through the AC. The multiplus is still acting the same when flicked to “charger” or “on” on the bottom of the case via the switch. The 3 LEDs light up together then straight off.

Anywhere else to look from here?

Thanks for your time

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