
email4eric avatar image
email4eric asked

Need to know how to test a Centaur 12/50 charger

I need to know how to test a Victron 12/50 charger for proper operation.

I recently had a complete battery bank meltdown and I am trying to determine whether or not it was the Victron charger.

The battery bank consisted of 4) 100ah 12v Victron AGM batteries. The battery cases melted together to the extent that I had to chisel them apart to remove them from the boat. Before I subject the new battery bank to the Victron charger, I need to determine whether the meltdown was due to a shorted cell in a Victron battery or whether it was the Victron charger. The dip switches on the charger are set correctly for AGM.

The battery I have ready as the test dummy is an East Penn/Deka AGM dual use 105ah battery.

Any info on how to test this charger such that I can assure that the charging profile is appropriate would be greatly appreciated. I have a clamp multi-meter at the ready.

Thank you!


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3 Answers
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

Bulk Mode - Steady amps, voltage rising

Absorb Mode - Steady voltage, amps falling

Float Mode - Reduced Steady voltage, low amps

Absorb voltage = ~14.3v

Float voltage = ~13.5v

Did you ever measure the Absorb voltage or Float voltage?

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email4eric avatar image
email4eric answered ·

Thanks for the response, mvas -- very much appreciated!

No I have not yet done any testing but will now that I'm armed with the information you provided.

Is there any sort of time element or duration with regard to the Bulk/Absorb/Float modes? Or, do they terminate once hitting the stated voltages? For example, if, say, the battery bank is almost fully charged, will the Centaur switch quickly from Bulk to absorb, or, from Absorb to Float more quickly than if that battery was fairly depleted?

I'm afraid of this charger now and need to know that it knows when to stop charging!

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email4eric avatar image
email4eric answered ·

Bumping for response, hopefully!

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