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wills asked

How far can I push an Orion tri smart 18a 12v DCDC


I am using the 18a orion smart dc dc to charge my AGM in my caravan. The charger is right next to the caravan battery with good thickness wire but I have almost 10m of undersized wire (10 gage I think) from my starter battery. I bought the DC charger to upgrade the hotwire charging system I had to my caravan but didn't realise that the wire used in my car was a bit thin. I had problems with the controller cutting out on the factory engine shut down settings so I lowered the voltages (shut down to 12.5) and it seems to be able to get the caravan battery up to 14.4v while I'm driving but if I stop the car it will loose input voltage and still shut off the controller as it goes below 12.5 after the cable. Same thing happens if I run too many things in the car while driving. Am I going to hurt something in the car or controller doing this? How low can I go with the controller cut off voltage and not hurt something?

orion dc-dc
2 |3000

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