
tedebbers avatar image
tedebbers asked

Using Tesla cig socket as power source to charge RV battery

I have a Tesla and would like to use the cig socket to charge my RV battery. The socket gives 15.5 volts and 12 amps continuous output. Is there a Victron product that I could use in the scenario?

battery charging
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ingo21 avatar image ingo21 commented ·
why would you want to do that...?

your RV surely has solar or is parked near a electric outlet.

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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

That's not much power. Victron has the Orion DC-DC charger but it's a little too much power for the socket.

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tedebbers avatar image tedebbers commented ·
Thanks Kevin, I was afraid of that. I think that a’ll actually go with a power station from Bluetti or Ecoflow. I can recharge it overnight form the Tesla, and use it during the day
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nigely avatar image
nigely answered ·

I think I saw somewhere that you can buy an inverter that plugs in to your Tesla charging socket to give you a AC power outlet.

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