Can anyone confirm if the VEBus BMS V2 should be shown in any way on the Victron Connect app. On the remote dashboard once logged on to VRM if you select firmware update it only sees the multiplus 2 1600. In the BMS manual it clearly states that the BMS is updateable both locally and via VRM but I just can't find it shown or mentioned anywhere even if i plus the vebus mk3 dongle directly in to it..
For clarity the vebus RJ45 socket on the BMS is connected to the inverter on the multiplus socket and the socket for remote panel is plugged into the cerbo. On the Cerbo the other vebus is connected to the remote panel, the second plug on the inverter is empty.
Is this correct? The system seems to work and can be remotely switched via the remote panel.
Any help/ information is greatly appreciated
Kind regards