
ingrossor avatar image
ingrossor asked

Victron Tr Smart DC-DC charger wiring

Hi again. Another question for the power experts. I am adding to my evolving power system with a Victron DC-DC charger.

On the Mercedes sprinter, there is an existing cut-off relay from the old system that closes and supplies current when the engine is running.

My question is, can I use this cable as the input to the DC-DC charger and disable the engine running detection in the app?

orion-tr smart
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3 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Yes you can.

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ingrossor avatar image
ingrossor answered ·

That is a very concise answer, thank you.

And exactly the one I wanted.

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ingrossor avatar image
ingrossor answered ·

Another question if you are still available. I have read that if the negative input and output cables share the same connection, say a bus at, the the isolated charger becomes non-isolated. What is the difference between doing this and running separate cables, the input side to the chassis then the output side to the auxiliary battery, which then goes to the chassis.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
This is precisely what I did with my isolated DC-DC charger. While the chassis bond for the house battery system is short, I still kept the output negative separate and connected it to the busbar. I figured this would give the Orion a better idea of battery voltage rather than including any voltage drop in the input negative to chassis.
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