
harrison88 avatar image
harrison88 asked

Multiplus 500W: 240V on shore power


I have a MultiPlus 12/500/20. The company I purchased it from suggested I need to have one set of plug sockets that runs off the inverter and one set that runs off shore power. However, my gas fitter highlighted that the MultiPlus is intelligent enough to switch to shore power when I'm connected and that the sockets can then cover both. (i.e. 500W limit when running off the inverter, and the higher shore power limit when running off the shore power). Is this true?


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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Yes it is true. It is called conditional AC connect or virtual switch in the settings.

If you download victron connect you can open a demo product and see the options there.

It would do to check the datasheet however, there is a limit to how much extra you can pass through as the transfer switch is 16A and reconnecting to grid can take a few seconds. So overloads might occur, which is why you are encouraged to separate the loads. If you do add more loads also have a bypass switch.


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harrison88 avatar image harrison88 commented ·
Ah I see, thank you. So my maximum on shorepower through the inverter (rather than separating it out at a consumer unit first), would be the 16A? That's still 3840W if my maths is right... way more than I'd ever need for my van conversion. I was only going to have two sockets anyway so this might work.
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