
motylu avatar image
motylu asked

Feature request: Allow access to Node-RED dashboard via VRM for basic users


I made approx. twenty PV installations based on Victron products and it is a great solution with many possibilities due to open system, Cerbo GX with MQTT, Node-RED etc.

I already made some features using Node-RED for blocking grid feed-in based on signal from grid operator, based on actual energy price and some others, and now I made simple dashboard for basic users (without full access) with simple system settings - e.g. grid feed-in mode, set minimal energy price allowing feed-in to grid, set minimal battery SOC in ESS,...

Problem is that only possible access to Node-RED dashboard is via device connected to local network and knowledge of Cerbo GX actual IP address. The address does not have to be fixed, and many customers does not know, what is the IP address of the device in network... The best and simple solution would be access to Node-RED dashboard (and only dashboard) via VRM, where end-user can make some simple but useful setting of the system without needing full access permissions.

Is it something, which is possible or planned in near future?

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ponzoa avatar image ponzoa commented ·

From the local network, type https://venus.local:1881/ and this will give them access.

For remote access via VRM, they need full control.

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motylu avatar image motylu ponzoa commented ·
Hi @ponzoa ,

as I wrote I know, that access is possible using https://venus.local:1881/ui (or in many cases you need exact IP address instead of venus.local) from local network, but most of end-users don't know, what IP address means, and mostly Cerbo is connected to home router without access to change settings and IP address is dynamically assigned, so no possibility to have fixed IP address.

I think that simple feature in VRM would be the best solution for basic end-users to access Node-RED dashboard, where installer can prepare useful system settings, such as min. battery SOC in ESS and more using additional Node-RED flows...

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ponzoa avatar image ponzoa motylu commented ·
If you give the user total control in VRM, they can access Nodered from the VRM. If you don't feel it's safe to give the owner full control, I don't understand why you want to give them nodered.

Also, although the internet router provides a dynamic IP address vía DHCP, it is possible to set a static address in the Cerbo within the dynamic range of the router and as long as no-one else sets that address, it'll stay the same.

That is, as long as you don't reset the router with the cerbo off, and switch on other devices which request an IP before the Cerbo, you should be fine. Also, in most routers, they usually leave DHCP starting at x.x.x.30 or so, therfore you can take any address from .5 to .29 without any issues. Check your/their router settings.

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motylu avatar image motylu ponzoa commented ·
Sorry, but you didn't get the point at all and apparently have no experiences with normal end-users, who don't know anything about networks (IP addresses,...) and usually have some router for internet connection from provider without possibility to login and change anything (for example DDNS server with 1 hour lease time,...).

These users can not have full access to system via VRM or another way, but should have possibility to change some useful parameters of the system, which can be done simply using Node-RED dashboard (and only dashboard without access to browser editor!) as one of many other advantages over other PV systems... For example very useful thing would be that end-user can change min. battery SOC, so user can increase min. SOC to achieve higher backup capacity during grid outage, and so on.
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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ motylu commented ·

In that case just set the password on the remote console. That will protect the flows, but still allow access to the dashboard. See

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motylu avatar image motylu Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Hello @Dirk-Jan Faber !

Yes, this is possible, but this still needs to give full access to end-user, who can make unwanted changes in the system via VRM like delete users, changing ESS mode (not only min. SOC), make remote FW updates and theoretically remote changes in configuration using remote VE configure (this of course must be protected from end-users).

Access to Node-RED editor and Node-RED dashboard is divided into separate buttons in VRM Venus OS Large section, so I think, it could be possible to make available only Node-RED dashboard for basic users, but not Node-RED editor...

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r2d2 avatar image r2d2 motylu commented ·

Hello @Dirk-Jan Faber ,

Imho Node-Red Dash only for basic users is a valid use case for Victron installers.

Any progress on this feature request ?

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw r2d2 commented ·

A typical customer install should not include "expert features" and enhancements to simplify support in the event that the original installer is gone. Best practice should be OOBE given such customisationit is offen support intensive and costly to address when it goes wrong, more than often at the time of upgrades. Not a practice I can recommend given I have seen this result in systems being replaced by a new supplier because nobody had the time, patience or money to figure out the customisations. Some installers told me they love the flexibility, but node-red or assistants is not the answer when they have products supporting solar diverters, EV chargers etc. that simply work together out of the box, bar some basic setting up.

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