I have some NodeRed flow checking hourly price to determine if I should shut of feedin. So an hourly input.
I do this every hour(could be done once in an array if I had th skills). I do also have a NodeRed flow to lower the charge of the battery by chosen inputs(some fixed numbers, other based on the expected total sunpower). This flow do check numbers every second to always adjust depending on incoming solar power(clouds etc), done by tweaking grid setpoint.
I have integrated the hourly input, so if feedin status is “off”, it shall just set the grid offset to “0”( the chosen grid setpoint in my flow). But it seems like the chargeflow with every second input overrule the hourly input. Any ideas? Is it because im using a “function” that forget the “hourly” input and then this input will not set grid setpoint to “0”?
Lars (Denmark)