So to start, my set up is I have 2 mppt 100/30 controllers hooked up to 600 watts of solar panels in parallel. Now, when i have one mppt controller on, it's stable wattage readings, a nice steady 200-250 watts on a slightly cloudy day. The usual smooth fluctuations as clouds pass. But the moment I turn on my 2nd charge controller the wattage fluctuates greatly. Like the controllers are fighting over the electricity rather than working together.
Controller one drops to 0w while controller 2 spikes to 200 and then they keep swapping back and forth, sometimes seeing spikes of 600 watts. And the readings just jump all over the place. if I I turn one charger off and it stabilizes again. With either or charger, it will stabilize. It will even effect the reading of my DC readings labeled "heater" which is only powering led lights and nothing else at the moment.
Is this normal? Because it doesn't seem like they're synchronized charging. And it happens whether or not I have them synchronized. Nothing changes. The only change that occurs is when I completely turn one off or on. I even disconnected all the ve direct cables and it does the same swapping in the Bluetooth apps as well.