
logic28 avatar image
logic28 asked

Linx Smart Shunt fuse size

I am about to fire up my system comprising 20x 415w modules running a provisional single 5.1k battery awaiting to build an additional 310A for more storage.

As they are both going to be connected to the Linx Power In and Lynx Shunt, should I purchase a 500A CNN fuse now for the shunt or shall I start with a lower one to suit the 100A battery and upgrade later?

I have installed an additional 125A fuse on the battery line inside the Lynx power-in unit.

I'm not sure if a 500a would be seen more as a direct bridge by the 100a battery or if will protect the system just the same.

Thank you in advance

lynx shunt
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1 Answer
mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

Should each battery bank be fused independently and appropriately?

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logic28 avatar image logic28 commented ·
That is the idea of the Lynx Power In unit where I installed fuses for up to 4 batteries, the question remains about the Lynx Shunt
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virtualburton avatar image virtualburton logic28 commented ·

I'm confused by your comment that you installed fuses on the Lynx power in. There is no space for a fuse on the links power in, only on the Lynx distributor. Could you please clarify?

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Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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