
sheabutta avatar image
sheabutta asked

Do parallel Orions need to be the same amp rating?

I am going to install lithium and the max charge rate is 50amps. Can I parallel a 30 and a 20 to get the 50?

orion dc-dc
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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

Yes, make sure both have identical settings. Otherwise one will interfere with the other.

Also check that your supply can handle the load. If it's an alternator and you're near its max output, it may burn out.

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sheabutta avatar image sheabutta commented ·

Thank you for the clear and helpful answer. I was pretty sure it would work but wanted a second opinion for sanity check before making the purchase. And, yes, my alt puts out enough (160 amps).

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mvas avatar image
mvas answered ·

Why would one Orion "care" that the other Orion could produce more amps or fewer amps? They are both charging a battery, as needed.

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