
enelson avatar image
enelson asked

Power Assist with dual Multiplus II - split phase

I have a dual Multiplus II setup with 2000 watts of solar and 1200ah of Lithium batteries. When I set the current input limit to 30a, I still see a draw from shore power that exceeds 3600 watts (up to 4820). The Multiplus shows "assisting" and it will draw some wattage from the solar (the Batteries are at 100%) with the AC load always exceeding the shore amount. I am currently connected to a 50a outlet. I need to limit the draw because in the future I will only have a 30a hookup available. What am I missing?

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3 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@enelson 2 multi's in parallel?

The ac input current limit is per multiplus. If you want to limit ac input to 30a, set the ac input limit to 15a.

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derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

What model mp2 and are they parallel or series? Do you have a gx device? Need this info to give an accurate answer. If they are mp2 2x120 in parallel then the current limit and power assist actually only applies to L1 when the shore connection is plugged into split phase 50 amp. Again, more details are needed.

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enelson avatar image
enelson answered ·

Multiplus II 12/3000/12 in Split Phase with a Cerbo GX. They are wired directly into the panel with each on one leg with different loads. I reset the current limit to 15A: are both legs L1,L2 limited to 15a? If one leg (L1) exceeds the 15a draw (say 20a), does that Multplus "powerassist" the leg by drawing on the batteries? What happens on the other side, L2, which may be drawing less (10a), does that Mulitplus attempt to charge the batteries that the first Mulitplus is drawing from? I am currently plugged into a 50A outlet, will plugging into a 30a outlet change the performance?

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
@enelson @derrick thomas edited thread title.
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