
daimonv avatar image
daimonv asked

Is it possible to use current with generator start/stop?

I have a system w/ a diesel generator that I have added programmable timer relays so that It starts and stops based on voltage conditions. The system consistes of Magnum inverters, Smart Shunt and a Cerbo-GX. I would like to be able to add or modify the stop conditions and also the generator status, both based on shunt current.

I want the current to be used to tell that the generator has started. Read current after generator starts, if it doesn't go above 90A, then reset autostart and start generator again.....or something like that.

This is my first dive into Venus, I have limited programming experience ( PHP, JS ), apologies for my lack of knowledge. I'm willing to learn.

Thanks for any guidance provided.

generator auto start
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Mike Dorsett avatar image Mike Dorsett commented ·
Usually one would look at either the engine oil pressure or the D+ (charging) output from the generator to see if the generator has started. Dedicated generator control units do this, and limit the number of restarts to three.
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