
craig-m avatar image
craig-m asked

Victron BlueSmart IP65 12v 15amp Charger

Good Morning,

Hoping someone can help me. We have a customer who currently has a BlueSmart IP65 12v 15amp charger who has emailed mentioning the charger is getting a lot warmer than usual and doesn't appear to be following the normal process when charger is first switched on.

Thank you in advanced

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Craig M

If it is not charging correctly then it is likely an RMA case. the heat is sort of ok (not that we like hot electronics), the not charging is not ok.

You would need to deal with your supplier.

If they are comfortable they can do the pre rma bench test... Instructions for IP65 are in page 17.

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theo74 avatar image
theo74 answered ·

The Victron IP65 charger has a plastic case and is filled with epoxy resin, making heat dissipation a bit harder. If the charger is connected to an empty battery, it could be normal that the continuous higher charge current causes this plastic isolated charger to heat up a bit.

It's therefore that I choose the IP67 charger version with heat sink. With continuous maximum charge current it gets hand warm, maybe a bit more.

In case of TS where the charger would get unexpected warm or hot, and the charging process seems to be out of normal, it could be the charger it self, but a broken battery is also an option.

Why did the customer choose for a new charger? Did the older charger also give troubles on the same battery..?

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