
rubberbrick avatar image
rubberbrick asked

Victron mppt calculator

The calculator gives significant differences when choosing between terminal and mc4 for the pv connection option, does this mean the connection at the mppt charger or the panels or both.

MPPT Controllers
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
@rubberbrick 1 thought would be that mc4 connectors have a 30a limit. Above 30a you would have to spread the array to other mc4 inputs.

Post a couple of configs.

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3 Answers
rubberbrick avatar image
rubberbrick answered ·

Details below, same s3p1 settup with < 15amp string but with terminal connections requires 150/35 mppt and with mc4 requires 150/60 might be I am missing somthing

with mc4.pdf Victron Calculator with mc4 connection

With terminals.pdf Victron Calculator with Terminal connection

with-mc4.pdf (722.1 KiB)
with-terminals.pdf (721.7 KiB)
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klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@rubberbrick it would seem that the smallest mppt with mc4 connectors is the 150-60 model. Hence the jump from the 150-35 to the 150-60.


mpt-range.png (309.7 KiB)
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rubberbrick avatar image
rubberbrick answered ·

ok i get get it, not talking about the mc4 connectors at the panel end.


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