
dancrompton avatar image
dancrompton asked

Has Anyone Received the Low RPM Fan Noise RetroFit Kit for the Multiplus-II Yet?

As above, has anyone ordered and received the Low RPM Fan Noise RetroFit Kit yet? I contacted my supplier within two hours of @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) announcing on the forum of the existence of the kit in March, well over 3 months ago now. But after repeated requests to my supplier they're still telling me they haven't received any?

My supplier has been great, so I fully believe they are doing their best to source one for me. I understand they have to place an order even though it is showing out of stock and then it will be backfilled, and so do they, but still nothing? Just wondering if anyone else has had any joy? Thanks.

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3 Answers
ojack avatar image
ojack answered ·

I got my three kits about 5 days after requesting them from my dealer in germany.

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Rob Duthie avatar image
Rob Duthie answered ·


Still waiting in New Zealand, ordered some kits over 5 weeks ago.

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dancrompton avatar image
dancrompton answered ·

Thanks both. So people have received them, but it's hit and miss. I'll chase my supplier again, but have a feeling it's out of their hands.

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