Planned: Multiplus-II + MPPT + Venus GX in ESS mode with grid feed-in. The house has a backup generator in case the grid fails which can be started manually, switching also manually from the grid to the generator.
Once the house is connected to the generator, can it be avoided that the Multiplus-II injects towards the generator?
I have not found an assistant or any other means to disable grid injection (towards the generator) and disable LOM (Loss Of Mains) detection based for example on a signal to AUX1 input. The signal can come from the same switch that selects grid or generator (with an additional circuit).
Is there a way to make this work with Victron-gear only? Of course without having to modify the ESS/Multiplus-II configuration manually before and after using the generator.
Can an external control (Raspberry) disable grid feed-in when the generator is connected?
Can the LOM detection be changed/disabled by an external control?
Or better bypass the Multiplus-II when the generator runs (and not charge batteries)?
A Quattro is not an option because of grid feed-in regulations.