I have a three phase system with Quattro 48|5000's. At the moment its fed by a Fronius Symo 6 on AC-1-out, deliverying 6kVA on full power. I am planning to add about 10kVA solar power on DC side with a MPPT RS450/200. And potentially also a Hoymiles HMS-2000 on, probably, L1 (again AC-1-out).
My queustion is about the limits of the system.
Assume there is full power sun and we get 8kVA from AC-coupled solar (which should be fine with 1:1 rule, 8 < 15). What happens if the DC side power its full 10kVA towards the Quattros? That would mean 10kVA from DC and 8kVA from AC, which is well above the systems 15kVA? Would the GX tell the DC MPPT to go down, preveting the system from overload? Or how are such scenarios working?
Thanks in advance :)