
anjey-lobas avatar image
anjey-lobas asked

Constantly logged off from VRM Portal

Last week i've got logged off from VRM portal 3 or 4 times. Stay logged in checkbox does not help. This is very annoying especially when my android app is logged off.

Never had such an issue before. Is there any way to fix it ?

vrm app phone widget
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6 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

There were some issues with VRM. Maybe it's related to that. I had to login, too.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

I’ve had the same issue, and reported to the VRM team.

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pedro-de-vos avatar image pedro-de-vos commented ·
@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) it seems you have knowledge regarding BMZ batteries how can i personally make contact with you please. 0641052565
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rainero avatar image
rainero answered ·

Same here, whenever i open the VRM app, it takes me to the VRM intro page ( - when i then click the Login button, it redirects to my sites overview page. Sometimes i have to login before. iOS, VRM app ver. 2.8.4, one Cerbo GX installation.

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deangi avatar image
deangi answered ·

Same here on IOS app. Have to login every time which makes it virtually useless.

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renierlewis avatar image
renierlewis answered ·

This started happening for me and my other family members as well a few weeks ago. It is happening on all my devices, phones, and multiple laptops.

It does not matter if you tick the option "Stay signed in" or not.

Please kindly fix this VRM

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mviertel avatar image
mviertel answered ·

Same here, happens on different IOS devices (iPhone, iPad) which are used as remote displays. Completely useless now, as so need to log in with MFA every time.

VRM apps are current.

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