
jonoci avatar image
jonoci asked

Read Energy meters connected to Cerbo GX, via Modbus TCP from node red running on local PC

I have node red running on a PC, connected to cerbo via LAN (not using node red/Venus OS large on cerbo). I wish to extract Energy meter data from ET340 energy meters connected to Cerbo on RS485, using Modbus TCP via Cerbo. 2 meters are 'AC meter' with ID's shown as 33 and 34 in Console devices. One is ID 35, set as Grid Meter. Using Modbus TCP I can poll the grid meter ( ID=35, function code 3,) and read the registers OK. I cannot read meters 33 and 34 at all via TCP. Console shows errors in the Modbus TCP services page - indicating the ID is not valid..The meters are all seen by cerbo and show on the Advanced Graphs page on VRM portal, so they are working OK. It is suspicious that it is the AC-meter types that seem to not be readable...I have not tried to set any of the two as grid meter as that upsets the Victron ESS setup.. Can anyone suggest how to approach this? I am not sure if Modbus TCP access to non-victron recognized RTU devices on Cerbo is possible?

Modbus TCP
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Moving to modifications space. Node-RED experts are there. Might be worth searching there as well.

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