
jdawson avatar image
jdawson asked

Cannot upload a Configuration file through Remote VE

I am attempting to make changes to my MultiPlus through Remote VE Config. I can download the file and it open in VE Config 3 on my windows PC. After changing the settings I close the file per the instructions.1684932405791.png

When I close the file I get the following message:


When I click yes I get:


I have also tried to save the file and upload


But get the same error message.

VEConfigure 3
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


Try it without changing the file name. There's some checks done that the file is suitable, and that may include the digits in the name.

Also, make sure you Save it when you download it, then open it from there to make changes. Then Save it again. I like to delete old copies too, so they can't get mixed up. Then I arrange a Shortcut. Yours should be a .rvsc file, the .rvms is for paralleled units.

I had grief with this when it was first made available, so I try to follow these steps every time. Though I don't download a freshy each time.

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jdawson avatar image jdawson commented ·
it does not default a file name and also doesn't allow you to choose a file type
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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Was this after an upgrade? If so you have to use the file it downloads, it will then ask you to merge it and will save it as a .rvms file.

If it is just a config push after editing a remotely downloaded config file then it should work. Just make sure you don't have multiple Vconfigure windows open to confuse things.

Just remember you don't save the remote file, just close veconfigure, it will automatically update the config file you opened.

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jdawson avatar image jdawson commented ·
yes I tried just closing and no changes are made to the configuration
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