
mkraus avatar image
mkraus asked

Possible bug: Device list, charger does not show status summary

In the device list my charger BSC IP65 12/15 HQ2211744CR does not show the status summary ("instant readout") below its list entry.

However, it is visible for about a second, if you return from the device management back to the device list, but it vanishes instantly.

I made screenshots, but cannot use them here.

I refer to Victron Connect manual, section 11.2 "Instant Readout".

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Rod avatar image Rod commented ·
Same happens to me with blue solar 30 Amp x3
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1 Answer
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @mkraus

The BSC IP65 charger does not support instant readout, as shown in chapter 11.3 in the VictronConnect manual.

The fact that it is shortly visible in VictronConnect when going back to the device list is unintentional. We will see if this can be improved in the next VictronConnect.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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