
blizardnl avatar image
blizardnl asked

Easysolar GX problem

A customer has an Easysolar II 48-3000 without large screen.

The problem is, they have a new internetrouter and I cannot get into the venus envourement anymore to alter the wifi credentials. I tried to connect through a RJ45 cable using the port next to the USB port, but not visible on VRM, the internet was set to wifi. I have a touchscreen for my own Cerbo, but this unit has no HDMI port, so I cannot reach the unit anymore. BT (connect) is only avalable for the MPPT part. Please any suggestions how to act

EasySolar All-in-One
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@blizardnl there are plenty of ways to access your GX device.

In a pinch if your GX does not have bluetooth (newer ones do) you can plug in a usb>bluetooth dongle and access the GX network settings (including access point password) via Victron Connect.

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blizardnl avatar image
blizardnl answered ·

Thanks, BT is only avalable for the MPPT part not the venus at the time.

I figured it out bridging the RJ45 (to Easysolar) and the wifi to router. Weird the Easysolar does not act with cable directly to the router, not even putting given IP adress in browser.

I think venus was stuck on the non existing SIDD because of the profider change

Alternavely I could have reinstalled Venus with a full image on a USB stick and reboot the easysolar twice (raspberry procedure)

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