
Lars Lindegaard Mikkelsen avatar image
Lars Lindegaard Mikkelsen asked

MultiPlus 48/3000/35 overload and high temperature?

We are testing a 3 phase offline MultiPlus 48/3000/35 system.

Issue: With a 3 * 2800 W load (heater - power factor ~ 1) we see overload and high temperature alarms? The system also eventually shuts down?

- Room temperature: 21 C
- Grid: Off
- PV: Off

Best regards,
Lars Lindegaard Mikkelsen

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
mihair avatar image
mihair answered ·

The Multiplus 3000 is indeed overloaded because max RMS power is 2400W.

2 |3000

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Lars Lindegaard Mikkelsen avatar image Lars Lindegaard Mikkelsen commented ·

Thanks -> Non-linear load, crest factor 3:1 :-)

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mihair avatar image mihair Lars Lindegaard Mikkelsen commented ·

There is nothing special here because you have loaded the Multi with pure resistor loads, hence crest factor 1.414

I do not know form where it comes your 3:1 number ...

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