
bateman avatar image
bateman asked

Do I need a fuse between a easy solar 12/1600/70 and the batterie bank (2x 100Ah Li)?

There seems to be an internal fuse in the easy solar, as it is shown in the manual, but I don't know if this protects also the cable from /to the batteries and even not what size it is.

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3 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

Incide the easy solar, there is one fuse to protect the inverter/charger, and another fuse inside the MPPT unit. So depending on the length of your cables to the battery (<2m), you could avoid the external fuse.

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bateman avatar image
bateman answered ·

Thank you for your fast response. I'm planning some DC loads direct from the batterie. This is why I think about an external fuse, too.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
I agree with @Mike Dorsett

But the fuses in the EasySolar will not protect the cables if there's a short. The BMS might, depends on that model.

You should really have a battery isolator at or close to the battery positive terminal. Maybe use a suitable circuit breaker which will act as fuse and isolator. But avoid the cheap ones. They have a reputation for unreliability and inaccuracy. From there wire to easysolar and a fused distribution box for the loads.

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bateman avatar image bateman kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

thanks a lot!

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Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

OK: IF the battery cables are "short" (in length) then a single fuse can protect the cable and the battery. As mentioned above, an isolator should be included for ease of service. HOWEVER: If the battery cables are "long" (>3m) go through a wall or other barrier, then there is a chance that the cables may be damaged and short to each other. To protect this, a fuse / Disconnector is ALSO required at the battery.

Large battery banks also require segmentation fusing / isolation in order to keep "ARC Flash" energies in safe areas.

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