
Jan Brož avatar image
Jan Brož asked

ESS Anti-Islanding (whole house)

Is it possible to use Easysolar-II/Multiplus-ii and external Anti-Islanding Device like Ziehl UFR1001E wired in between the house and the grid?

So that when the grid fails, it disconnects the house from the grid and the inverter takes over and powers the whole house ?

Multiplus-IIanti islanding
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2 Answers
tranzorb avatar image
tranzorb answered ·


It depends on the country you are in. The Tele Haase N003-M64 version H seems more versatile and compliant to more standards. I am in the process of designing an anti-islanding in France and will use this, in cunjunction with a Multiplus II-10000-48-140-100. Anyway the Ziehl or Tele Hase must be used with power contactors and feedback contactors, eventually two in series, for full safety compliance. I means these devices can not be used stand alone.

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Jan Brož avatar image Jan Brož commented ·

Yes, I know I need two contactors.

I was stuck on this for a bit today, because I was worried about different voltage and frequency when the grid comes back on.

But then I realised that the inverter needs to be connected to energy meter like EM24 or ET112 that is on the grid side of the contactors.

So when the grid comes back online, the meter reports the voltage and frequency to the inverter and it can sync it's output to the grid before the contactors pull in(which can be delayed with a setting inside the ziehl device).

I'm in Ireland so similar situation, I think I did see the Tele Haase device when I was doing my research, however I could only find certification for Ireland with the Ziehl device.

I would be interested in discussing your ESS system, there doesn't seem to be a lot of people doing it in Europe.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ Jan Brož commented ·

The MultiPlus needs the grid on it's input to synchronize to it, it does not use the information from the grid meter for that.

So first the Ziehl (or any other) has to close first and than the MultiPlus starts synchronizing and connect itself to the grid after that.

The synchronizing takes around 1-2min depending on how stable the grid is (voltage and frequency).

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The MultiPlus-II/Quattro-II series have a build-in anti-islanding with two contactors in series.
There are some certificates available to download.

Here in Germany we can use the MP-II 3kVA and 5kVA without any external NS-protection and hopefully we get the certificates for the bigger units + Quattro-II also soon.

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Jan Brož avatar image Jan Brož commented ·
Sorry, I may have not been clear about what I was asking. I was asking if I can use the Ziehl UFR1001E to disconnect the whole house from grid, while the multiplus is AC coupled ESS (grid on AC out if I'm not mistaken).

Also, Multiplus-II is not certified for Irish market, so I would need external anti-islanding to be compliant anyway.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ Jan Brož commented ·

NEVER connect the grid to the AC OUT of a MultiPlus/Quattro that will toast it!

I guess you first have go back to the basics of designing an ESS.

Maybe look for a local Victron dealer/installer for help. The community is not the place for system designing.

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Jan Brož avatar image Jan Brož Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Sorry, was pulling that from memory and misremembered, I had researched it a while back and got the wires twisted around. The grid AND loads will be connected on AC-IN.

There will also be EM112 energy meter in the distribution board.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ Jan Brož commented ·
If you want to supply your loads during a grid failure you have to connect them to the AC OUT of the MultiPlus.
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