
sean avatar image
sean asked

Firmware updates (via VRM) of parallel MPII

My home ESS systems consists of 2x parallel MPII 48/3000, Colour control, Fronius Primo 8.2 and ET112 and has worked without issue for years.

Current Fw is 4.3 - newest, as indicated via VRM is 5.02

I'm generally not a fan of updating just for the sake of it, but I'm experiencing some unexpected behaviours when adding a second ET112 to meter another array, so I'm pondering updating the pair of MPIIs to latest.

Here's the question/s:

a, if I carry out the Fw update via VRM, will both MP devices be updated, or just the master ?

b, will the current MP configuration be lost during the process .

vrm firmware update
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2 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Best you start with the docs which are self-explanatory

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sean avatar image sean commented ·
I've obviously read that, numerous times, but there is no mention of updating parallel inverters, and if indeed if a VRM Fw update will update one, or both - hence my question.
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ sean commented ·

Pretty much stated in the opening paragraphs:

This procedure includes migration of the settings.

There is no limitation on the type of system: single unit systems, parallel, split-phase, three-phase and also large systems of 6, 9 and more inverters can all be updated remotely using this feature.

All the good info hides in plain sight ;)

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sean avatar image sean nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

I did read that, and I accept your understanding of it, but ..... from what I can see VRM doesn't acknowledge there being parallel inverters attached, unless there is more info here hiding in plain sight.


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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

I would recommend that you update using the vrm only, if you use the mk2 or mk3 then you will need to manually resetup all settings and assistants, if used.

if you use the vrm then normally both will be updated to the latest fw - and the original settings will be returned to the system as long as you follow the correct update procedures.

note a update file will be downloaded to your laptop open this file by double clicking on it and the file will be converted to the new format, then upload the new file to the two inverters, via the vrm

only use a standard microsoft system on windows 10 or latter (preferable the latter)

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sean avatar image sean commented ·
Thank you, I'm somewhat cautious of doing this just yet, primarily as (other than yourself here) there is apparently nothing mentioned within any online documentation that describes how, if at all, updating multiple inverters differs from that of updating a single one - I've updated and installed numerous singles without issue.

At some point, in the absence of additional info I might just suck it and see, but I'd like to be forearmed.

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