
grizlyadams avatar image
grizlyadams asked

What does "NaN KAH" mean in battery status

As per the title - in my Cerbo GX, when I go into battery detail I see "NaN KAH" in the "remaining" field. What is that?


cerbo gx
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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
@grizlyadams NaN refers to not a number. (value sent from the battery is not a number, or to large ?)

KAH could mean (unkown) AH ?

What battery do you have.

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mvas avatar image mvas klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·

Could KAH mean Kilo Amp Hours. Maybe, a way too large a value trying to be displayed?

The $64,00 question is WHY is the value not-a-number or not a valid number ( ie negative or too large? )

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3 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

This may help:

You'll need to check/double check the setup using REC-BMS own setup instructions. You may or may not get these values to show properly.

Try the community search function. There are other REC-BMS threads.

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grizlyadams avatar image grizlyadams commented ·
pretty sure its all set up as per their (REC's) instructions. I'll take another look - thanks for that link; i guess "compatible" has different meanings! :)
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grizlyadams avatar image
grizlyadams answered ·

It's a self built 8 cell 2P4S 560Ah/6.75kWh battery using a REC-BMS Active BMS that communicates over CANBUS with the Victron kit.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

While the battery is charging there is no remaining time or Ah.
Is the BMS sending that information to the GX device?

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