
borchester-beauty avatar image
borchester-beauty asked

Accuracy of meters - BMV712 and MPPT250/100

So living with the above system and now putting greater loads I am now monitoring my batteries more regularly - Why when the MPPT is still showing “ Bulk” is the battery monitor saying 100% ? Is there a setting I have missed when installing ??

Thanks in advance

Energy Meter
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2 Answers
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

Your BMV712 is synchronising to 100% too early. You have 2 key settings, charged voltage which should be 0.1 to 0.2V below your absorption voltage and the tail current which should be around 1%. When the charging voltage is above the charged voltage setting and the charging current is below the tail current setting the BMV goes to 100%. You probably have much too low charged voltage setting of say 13.2V rather than 14.2V so the MPPT just starting to produce power at dawn can cause the reset to 100%.

See the Victron video

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borchester-beauty avatar image
borchester-beauty answered ·

Thanks for help - readings seem to be more balanced now

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