
jonathanv avatar image
jonathanv asked

Phoenix Inverter Control and remote on/off

I have the old style Phoenix inverter remote control panel (UTP) and a Phoenix 3000W inverter. Is there a creative way of having both the remote control panel working and be able to have a BMS turn it off through it's remote on/off? I know the manual states it's either the remote on/off or the remote control panel but perhaps I could splice something into the UTP cable that would enable or disable it?

Phoenix Inverter
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1 Answer
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

The remote on/ off is usually a switch wired up to the inverter. If the BMS has a volt free relay used to enable / disable load circuits (most of them do) then this relay can be wired in series with the remote switch.

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jonathanv avatar image jonathanv commented ·

Thanks, in this case the remote control panel has a few additional features, like a set of status lights.

And the UTP connections on the inverter are also used to sync multiple inverters, so I am not sure if it's just a simple wire to break or if the control panel is more intelligent.

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klayman avatar image klayman jonathanv commented ·
Did you find a solution to this? I'm looking to do something very similar and am wondering if it's possible to use both the remote panel as well as the Remote H/L input driven by the BMS ATD signal.

I know that the manual states only 1 can be used but it seems very odd that this would be a hard limitation. What happens is both are connected? Does 1 take preference over the other or does 1 just not work at all?
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