
cxbenno avatar image
cxbenno asked

Battery swap

I have Victron smart solar MPPT 75/10 controller with Victron Blue Smart IP67 12/17 charger linked to a Flextron 105w solar panel. I have purchased a Lifepo4 100ah battery to swap with the existing 90ah lead battery.

Do I need to change anything within the controller to accept the Lifepo4 battery?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
anthony avatar image
anthony answered ·

Yes you do. You need to set both the MPPT and the blue smart charger to LiPo settings and specifcally to the voltage set points specified by the new battery manufacturer.

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cxbenno avatar image cxbenno commented ·
Cheers for that. As I thought. Will dbl check new battery operating norms and review the controller.
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