- Venus: V3.00~37 and V2.94 (did not try other versions)
- System: 6x MPII 5k (v502), 3ph, Freedom Won, 2x RS450/200
- ESS> Gridfeed-in> DC & AC turned OFF
- ESS> Gridmetering> External EM540
- ESS> Mode> Keepcharged
- Input current limit: 36A
ISSUE: Grid feed-in occurs when excess feed-in is turned OFF. When the RS450s are disabled there is no feed-in (which makes sense). When the RS450s are enabled, grid feed-in occurs even though the Cerbo is set as below (does not make sense).
QUESTION: Are there conditions under which Excess PV grid feed-in should occur even when the Cerbo is set as below?