I have a sailboat with a lithium battery system, cerbo, lynx smart bms, a 5000w 230v Quattro and a separate 5000w 120v Quattro. The 230v Quattro is connected to the cerbo directly via VE.Bus. The 120v Quattro is connected to the Cerbo via a USB MK3. The system is working well and I can see and control both inverters from the Cerbo.
I'm trying to set it up so that both inverters shut off when the battery gets to a certain SOC (20%). I found that in the Lynx Smart BMS I can set the discharge floor with Victron Connect and that will disable the ATD. The 230v quattro that is connected directly via VE.Bus turns on and off as expected, but the 120v quattro over the USB MK3 is not turning on or off.
Are there any settings I need to change to get the 2nd inverter to follow the DVCC instructions from the Cerbo? I've looked around quite a bit and nothing is jumping out at me.