
volker999 avatar image
volker999 asked

Orion TR Smart does not charge, is my wire wrong connected?

Hi there,

I have a problem with my Orion TRSmart Non Isolated DCDC Charger. I also have a BMV-712 battery monitor.

Normally, when motoring, the charger should charge first my starter battery and then when this one is full, it should charge my consumer batteries.

When motoring for a long time, I experience that the BMV-712 is saying that the charge level of my consumer batteries stay same and is not charging. Also it shows a negative load, although motor is running and no big consumers are online. So the Ampere should be positive not negative, see picture.

my question: did I maybe do some wiring wrong so that my consumer batteries are being charged but my BMV-712 does not recognise it?

I have connected the DCDC charger as in my handwriting (GRD to ground bar, IN to alternator and starter battery, OUT to positive bar.

I have connected the grounds of all batteries to each other. Maybe I should better connect the starter battery ground to the ground bar, and not to the other batteries? So that it is connected to the ground bar behind the shunt.

I am lost. Maybe you have some hints? Thanks anyway!

2f7a0161-fe05-4bb0-a8c1-6c224a65c254.jpeg 36f4483c-a893-49ca-83a2-37aadce80ed4.jpeg

BMV Battery Monitororion-tr smart
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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Volker999

"I have connected the grounds of all batteries to each other. Maybe I should better connect the starter battery ground to the ground bar, and not to the other batteries? So that it is connected to the ground bar behind the shunt."

This! You're not lost, you've worked it out yourself.. :)

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volker999 avatar image volker999 commented ·


233193a2-4ca3-405e-b1c6-0e6c3d5894ab.jpegThank you John, great news! So I will disconnected the starter battery ground from the other batteries, and instead connect it to the ground bar on the left side.

after that, starter battery ground will only be connected to the ground bar and to the engine block, see the 2 green wires in my new drawing.

so that means all my batteries should have been charging nicely already in the past, but my battery monitor did not count this and therefore it displayed a charge level of less then 100% and a negative load, while the truth was the load was positive and the charge level was probably 100%.


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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ volker999 commented ·

Yep, right you are. Doesn't mean the shunt doesn't need a tune, but that's possible now.

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volker999 avatar image volker999 JohnC ♦ commented ·
What do you mean by „the shunt doesn‘t need a tune“?
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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ volker999 commented ·


They always need a tune for best results. Always..

It's in the manual. Even Youtube..

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